Canvas by NIC ONE. SOLD! Nothing Is Free!

 11x16 inch canvas, acrylic paint and acrylic paint markers. SOLD.

I don’t often mention when I sell my work. I just focus on producing the work and if and when it sells I'm ok with things. I’ve had a great amount of selling success, nothing to brag about. But this one was snatched up so fast, I tripped out. I held this one close for quit a while. There are some pieces that I just get stuck on and thus I get a bit reluctant to sell. I posted this one up on my IG, (@Nic1ak) and with in ten minutes of my post showing of this piece a guy from Belgium requested a sales price for it. I told him, thinking that he would pass on it and he shocked my hat off my head. He said that he would take it and he paid for the shipping for it too. I thought dam I wish all transactions could go that well, because most of the times art that I post up gets met with nothing said from people that make a price request for my work. I post something original like a 8x10 inch black book whole page done in full color and after I speak on the price, I hear crickets, lol. 
 People please understand, you want my work you will have to pay for it, simple as that. There's a lot of work and effort that goes into each and everything that I create and it's not free. If that’s to much for you to handle maybe you shouldn't ask. I’m an Artist not a Free Artist.  
