Nic One Blue Ray Special Pt3

Part 1-3 of my Blue Ray Specials are all from a small book that I have. It's an 7 inch x 5 inch sized book. Small but that doesn't matter to me. If your a serious artist than you will find a way inside of you to make and produce your work. For this one I decided to go a bit more crazier than I did on BRS#2, (See Blue Ray Special#2 below). for instance I added a few more swinging lines for a touch of out of control flow. I added a few traditional arrows and sliced arrows to armor up the piece as to say that it's sort of ready for combat. I did a deep and dark 3D that has inside high lights to give the piece a since of weight. By doing this the piece has a nice strong boldness to it and I added a character and buildings and some broken walls to fill out the right side of the drawing. Like I said before:: If your a serious artist than you will find a way inside of you to make and produce your work. Just take your time and let things flow.
