AEROSOL KINGS UMXS and YNN up in the Bronx 2011. Photo By SLON AK/Photo Shopped by Nic One Ak

I have to say that today was a crazy hot and off beat type of day. The good part though was the fact that I got to paint with my Aerosol Kings, UMXS and YNN brothers. We hit this was from the start hard, right out the gate but once the sun came out we all felt like some baked chickens. We paint up in the Bronx and the Graffiti Universe. Lots of writers have painted at this location and it was great that we got to bring our crew and our artwork there as well. On this wall is NIC ONE, HEMPS, STEM and KACER 171. As always we made the best of things and we had a good time as well.
